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Community Purification Lodge
27 November 2024
Near Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Dear Sweet Medicine family and friends (+18 years only),
Since ancient times and across many cultures, Sweat Lodges, spas and saunas have been used for important health, community and spiritual purposes.
In the Sweet Medicine Sundance tradition, the lodge represents the Sacred Womb space, from which we can pray and birth ourselves anew as well as birth our dreams and heart’s desires.
We gather for healing and to pray for ourselves, life and others.The focus of this particular lodge will be the energies of the West including the health, strength and prowess of your physical body, and navigating death, change and transformation in a positive, empowered way.
This lodge also supports, through deep physical presence, connection with your inner warrior, magician and lover.
The Dance Chief for this lodge will be Elka Kerkhofs 'Stream of Livingness Otter' with Janneke 'Tateshina' Koole and Elaine 'Cat Moon' Casey as Stands-Behind.
This lodge is open to the whole community so please feel free to invite your friends and family members.
Join us now for our
Date: Wednesday 27 November 2024
Location: Unstone (Address given after registration)
Text via Whats App: +61 40 67 69 338
We Gather at 1 pm - UK Time
Session: from 1 pm - 5.30 pm
Cost: Medicine Gift and shared cost to run the lodge
Bookings are required as spaces in the lodge are limited
Please RSVP by Tuesday 26 November
If this is your first time attending a purification lodge in this tradition, or the first time for a friend you are inviting, please contact me before the day to discuss preparation for the lodge and for an opportunity to ask any questions.
Another email with all the information you need will be sent to you upon registration.
The purification ceremony offers us an opportunity to pray for self, life, others, and for healing.
I look forward to sharing this powerful ceremonial space with you.
In Beauty,
Elka 'Stream of Livingness Otter'
Elka Kerkhofs
Stream of Livingness Otter
Elka’s path with heart is the Sweet Medicine SunDance path, a shamanic path that speaks of living in alignment with the plant, animal, mineral, human and spirit worlds on this beautiful planet.
Elka has studied on this path for 10 years and is a passionate and experienced teacher in training for both the Australian Black Lodge and Red Lodge Longhouse Programs, offering the abundance of foundational teachings of this Lineage Path along with facilitating Martial Arts training for Red Lodge students.