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From left to right Pamela, Elaine (lodge leader) and Louise; Pete is standing behind. This is the teaching team


Elaine "Cat Moon" Casey apprenticed to the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path in 1995. She is a leader, teacher, mentor and guide within this shamanic tradition. She is the Lodge Leader and founder of the Centre for Shamanic Arts. She has a passion for transformation and with her deep integration, experience and dedication she inspires others through her facilitation of shamanic workshops, courses and ongoing programmes, medicine journeys into wild and sacred places, rites of passage and shamanic art. As a professional artist, she has a passion for expressing spirit, her shamanic knowledge and her deep love of nature through art.

Pete "Black Agate" Edwards is a teacher and ceremonialist with over 25 years experience on this path. He has a deep desire to make these teachings accessible and enjoys facilitating ceremony, especially the purification lodge.

Louise "Mountain Mist" Vincent apprenticed to the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path in 1998 and is a highly experienced teacher. She especially enjoys guiding students to use their own curiosity and creativity to make this path their own as an integrated, relevant part of their daily life. She is a mentor, teacher and leader on this path. She runs the drum team and facilitates workshops and courses within the Centre for Shamanic Arts.

Pamela "DragonBreathesStars" Hayes is passionate about self growth and spiritual freedom being accessible to all who desire it and loves sharing her knowledge of this path. She is a professionally qualified teacher, trainer, psychotherapist and coach.

At the back, Pete Edwards; front row, left to right, Pamela Hayes, Elaine Casey, Louise Vincent

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